Many intelligent children struggle at school. Current research indicates at least ONE out of every TEN people learns differently. They have trouble learning how to read or understanding what they read. They may not write well. Math may difficult.


Your child is not alone.


                                                                                            What should you do if you think your child struggles to learn???

             1. Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. work with the teacher to develop an action plan for your child.

            2. Meet with the school principal to discuss how your child can be supported.

            3. Do arrangements for an assessment. Testing will give everyone a better understanding of your child’s learning style, needs, and strengths. If                an assessment cannot be arranged through your child’s school, studium can help you with it.

           4. Once the testing is complete, meet with the teacher and principal to discuss the next steps for your child. Work as a team to develop a                             learning plan to meet your child’s education needs. Studium always welcomes you to give a productive school life and better well-being to                     your child.

          5. Education to support children with learning difficulties may be provided in different types of settings. Instructions may occur in regular                          classrooms, specialized programs in private learning support centers, or specialized schools. There are advantages and disadvantages to each                option depending on the needs of your child and family. Talk to us to know more. We can definitely help you!


Individualised Education Program(IEP)

Program developed to ensure that a child with an identified learning disorder who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. Both online and Offline sessions are available.

Behavior education program

The goal of behavior modification in the educational setting is to teach the student different ways of behaving by making changes to the educational environment, changing emotional and cognitive processes, and helping the child learn new skills.

Behavior education program

The goal of behavior modification in the educational setting is to teach the student different ways of behaving by making changes to the educational environment, changing emotional and cognitive processes, and helping the child learn new skills.

English and math fluency programs (literacy and numeracy skills development)

Literacy and numeracy skills may have direct impacts on later life outcomes (beyond keeping kids in school).These skills are the building blocks to other skills. It can also put children on a steeper learning trajectory.

Behavior modification

Behavior modification therapy is used to change the behaviors in children(what they do) by using the principles of cognition and learning. Behavior modification therapy works by the recipient having either desirable or undesirable behavior reinforced so that desirable behavior continues or is increased or undesirable behavior is decreased or eliminated.

Behavior modification

Behavior modification therapy is used to change the behaviors in children(what they do) by using the principles of cognition and learning. Behavior modification therapy works by the recipient having either desirable or undesirable behavior reinforced so that desirable behavior continues or is increased or undesirable behavior is decreased or eliminated.

Child counseling

Program developed to ensure that a child with an identified learning disorder who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. Both online and Offline sessions are available.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability and may be used to assess either mental or physical talent in a variety of domains.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability and may be used to assess either mental or physical talent in a variety of domains.

Individualised Education Program(IEP)

 Program developed to ensure that a child with an identified learning disorder who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. Both online and Offline sessions are available.

Behavior education program

The goal of behavior modification in the educational setting is to teach the student different ways of behaving by making changes to the educational environment, changing emotional and cognitive processes, and helping the child learn new skills.

English and math fluency programs (literacy and numeracy skills development)

Literacy and numeracy skills may have direct impacts on later life outcomes (beyond keeping kids in school).These skills are the building blocks to other skills. It can also put children on a steeper learning trajectory.

Behavior modification

Behavior modification therapy is used to change the behaviors in children(what they do) by using the principles of cognition and learning. Behavior modification therapy works by the recipient having either desirable or undesirable behavior reinforced so that desirable behavior continues or is increased or undesirable behavior is decreased or eliminated.

Child counseling

They may require an expert’s support. There may be a time when they get irritated, lack self esteem ,may get bullied by peers and may have difficulty in expressing their feelings.It is easy to neglect but we can give complete attention to them to tackle their problems

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability and may be used to assess either mental or physical talent in a variety of domains.


In school workshops

Workshops led by psychologists and educational experts on life skills, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, study skills etc.

Teachers training

Training and awareness programs on identifying learning issues and providing effective teaching strategies to gain work experience that offers meaningful and practical work.

Teachers training

Training and awareness programs on identifying learning issues and providing effective teaching strategies to gain work experience that offers meaningful and practical work.

LD assessment campaign

The campaign has been conducted by leading psychologists and educational experts on how to detect symptoms of learning disability among students. And intended to find out if slow learners were suffering from any disabilities such as dyslexia or any other mental illness.

Parenting seminars

To help parents learn about effective ways to improve their child’s skills, discipline styles, manage challenging behaviors, and support their child’s growth and development.

Parenting seminars

To help parents learn about effective ways to improve their child’s skills, discipline styles, manage challenging behaviors, and support their child’s growth and development.

In school workshops

Workshops led by psychologists and educational experts on life skills, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, study skills etc.

Teachers training

Training and awareness programs on identifying learning issues and providing effective teaching strategies to gain work experience that offers meaningful and practical work.

LD assessment campaign

The campaign has been conducted by leading psychologists and educational experts on how to detect symptoms of learning disability among students. And intended to find out if slow learners were suffering from any disabilities such as dyslexia or any other mental illness.

Parenting seminars

To help parents learn about effective ways to improve their child’s skills, discipline styles, manage challenging behaviors, and support their child’s growth and development.


Internship for teachers | Counsellors | Social workers

An internship is a way of building practical skills and experience while gaining exposure to the desired career. Studium provides internships programs to Teachers|Psychology graduates|social workers and other stakeholders in education to gain practical knowledge in the identification and intervention of various learning and behavior problems faced by students.

Post Graduate Diploma in Management of Learning Disorders and Child Counselling (PGDMLD)

The primary objective of PGDMLD is to equip trainees to understand Specific Learning Disorders and ADHD in children, their causes, manifestations, and methods of screening children with learning disabilities. The course covers all updated techniques and intervention strategies for the effective management of various kinds of Learning disorders with a specialization in emotional management and child counseling.

Certificate course for Teacher trainees and psychology students

Studium associates with teacher training institutes and psychology departments of various colleges to provide add-on courses in Remedial Education and Child Counselling. The course covers all updated techniques and intervention strategies for early identification and the effective management of various kinds of Learning disorders with a specialization in child counseling.

Post Graduate Diploma in Specific Learning Disorder

The course helps the students to understand the need, types, and methods of assessment of specific learning disorders. It also helps to impart knowledge of the concepts involved in remedial training and to train the students in remedial education strategies and in the method of organizing and working in a special education program.

Post Graduate Diploma in career guidance and counseling

The training equips the participants to do Professional Career Counseling by administering psychometric assessments and helping their clients to take a final call on the best career choices that suit their interest, aptitude and personality.

Internship for teachers and counselors

We provide internships to teachers and counselors to gain work experience that offers meaningful and practical work.

Post Graduate Diploma in Specific Learning Disorder

The course helps the students to understand the need, types, and methods of assessment of specific learning disorders. It also helps to impart knowledge of the concepts involved in remedial training and to train the students in remedial education strategies and in the method of organizing and working in a special education program.

Diploma in career guidance and counseling

The training equips the participants to do Professional Career Counseling by administering psychometric assessments and helping their clients to take a final call on the best career choices that suit their interest, aptitude and personality.

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